Friday, December 08, 2006

I can't think of anything to write about....... So, I thought I would offer to answer questions. Ask me anything you want to, and I will answer it honestly. The only thing I won't give up is my true identity, and exact physical location.

Any takers?


At 7:26 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

What's your favorite thing about yourself right now?

If you won $1,000 right now, what would you do with the money?

What is your favorite holiday? Why?

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Sober @ Sundown said...

At this very moment, I am most happy about my ability to still be compassionate. A woman in the community has just discovered that she has a cancerous tumor. I didn't know if I could deal with her condition, or the thought of losing another person in my life. I was able to offer to help her through her situation. My heart still aches from tremendous sadness over my own losses, but I can still feel compassion for others.

Something happened last week that gave me a feeling of contentment. If I won $1000, I would probably give it away. It could make a number of people very happy, too.

Halloween is my favorite holiday. It is a holiday of little responsibility, happy people and a whole lot of fun. It was a holiday where my parents didn't fight.

Thanks for asking, Maggie.

At 6:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmmm~ What fun ;)

As a child what was your favorite activity?

Do you have any siblings?

Do you have a "must watch" TV show?

Happy Saturday ;)

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Sober @ Sundown said...

My childhood wasn't very happy, but we were very creative. We were constantly making things, and some of my fondest memories were sculpting clay with a friend. We would frequently pull "all-niters" making all different kinds of figures.

I have one older brother.

The must watch TV show that I refuse to miss is 'Dancing with the Stars', otherwise I'm your basic news junkie.

Thank you, Gwen.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Alcoholic Brain said...

If you had to live in another country, where would that be and why?

At 6:57 PM, Blogger Middle Girl said...

Do you compose posts in your head (or someplace else) before you log on to type-here?

Do you keep a journal beyond this spot?

At 7:21 PM, Blogger Mary Christine said...

What is your favorite thing about being sober for a long time?

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Sober @ Sundown said...

If I had to live in another country I thought my first choice would be Switzerland, but it's cold there. I guess I would have to do some research to find a country that has a similar, or better climate than southern California, and has decent civil rights for gay people. It seems as if all the northern countries have the best protections for gays, but I don't want to live with snow. It might be difficult to select another country.

Thanks for asking, Brain.

I am a horrible speller. I thought I would never have to admit that, but now you all know. I write everything in a email, spell check it, and cut and paste it into Blogger. What you read here is exactly what goes on inside my mind.

I don't write in a journal. I write emails (which in the past have gotten me into trouble), and here at Blogger.

Thanks for stopping by, Deb. I was a bit worried after what I wrote about Hommus at your blog. I'm glad you came back for a visit!

That is a tough question Mary Christine, I really had to put a lot of thought into this one. There are a few things that I really like about being sober for a long time.

I know that if I choose to participate, I can identify what is making me miserable, understand my part in it, and live in the solution that modifies the outcome. Unfortunately, I don't always make that my first choice.

I know that if I wake in the morning feeling like crap, it is because I have caught a bug.

Another thing that gives me great joy is that I can be fully present in my life. Through the good and the bad I am participating on all levels in my life. I spent a lot of time using drugs and alcohol in order not to feel my feelings. Today, I don't have to do that.

Thank you for asking such a tough question, Mary.

At 3:47 PM, Blogger KMae said...

What are your favorite things to do?

What have you never done that you've wanted to do?

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Middle Girl said...


Oh Phish! The theory, time and effort well appreciated.I thought it was a hoot. Although, that whole not counting calories, uhm..

No worries mate ;-)

At 6:17 PM, Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...


What made you decide to get sober? How many meeting do you attend each week? What is your favorite subject at a meeting?

Acceptance is the solution to all of our problems....

Thank you for all your nice comments on my blog.

At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When was the last time you cried? Is it hard for you to cry?

I ask this because I think it is a beautiful act. My mom Never cries. It is very hard for her. However this year she lost her dog, Coco. And I was there for her. She sat in my room and cried. She was feeling, and healing, and mourning, and remembering. The last time she cried like that was when her father passed, in the early 80s. That night I saw my mom differently, and I was connected to her more than ever.

I cry all the time. 95% is from being connected to others.

What a great post you have here. Very clever of you. Happy Sunday.

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Sober @ Sundown said...

Kmae, I usually say that I will do almost anything at least once. I love to dance, foil fence, explore tide pools, examine nature, run my dogs, prospect for gemstones, photograph orchids, be creative, cruise chicks, and hang out with friends.

I would love to go to Europe, mine opal in Australia, visit the diamond mine in Australia, and learn how to scuba dive.

Thank you for asking Kathy.

Hehe, glad you enjoyed my story, Deb. I consume as many calories per day as I can. Manual labor takes it's toll on love handles.

I had my first drunk when I was 10. I drank half a quart of whiskey - wanted to know what it was like to get drunk. I used drugs and alcohol through junior high, and high school. I went into treatment after my first year of college. The only schedule I was able to keep was getting to my classes on time. I never ate at the same time, nor slept at the same time. I just wasn't able to function anymore.

I go to one meeting a week, sometimes two.

I agree with you Barbara, acceptance is the key. That is one of my favorite topics, along with powerlessness over people, places and things. I love any topic that gives me hope.

Thank you for your questions, B.

Sober Chick, I cried this morning. Some sappy song that reminded me of someone that I have lost. I cry a lot, almost every day. I never use to cry till my mother, and my two closest friends died. That happened in a space of 18 months. After that and a few other losses, I never could quite turn off the faucet.

Thanks for asking Xtina, and Happy Sunday to you, too.

At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect timing I guess because now you are tagged and have something else to write about --although I really like this idea you have going right here, sundown.
Anyway, you have to go to my bloggy to see what to do next. Please play???
Peace and I will be back to ask you a question, too.

At 6:31 PM, Blogger dAAve said...

How did the color RED get its name?

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Trudging said...

Your Tagged
Megs Rules - Each player of this game starts with the 6 Weird Things About You. People who get tagged need to write a blog entry of their own 6 Weird Things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog!

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... can play the Six Weird Things About you!
Also,I have always been curious to know how old you are?????

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Sober @ Sundown said...

dAAve - you are making me work too hard. I searched the internet and this only conclusion I can find on how red got is name is this:

The word originated before 900 BC and it came from Old English 'read' (with a mark above the e, and I don't know what it is called)" then developed into the Middle English word we currently know as 'red'. The German word for red is 'rot', the Danish word is 'rood', the Old Norse word is 'raudhr', the Latin is 'rufus' or 'ruber' and the Greek word is 'erythros'. Beyond that I know nothing.....

Tab, I am 47 years old this year......

It seems that I have been tagged three times for the "Six Weird Things". Either I should feel really good about being popular, or you guys are running out of people to select. I guess I will have to start on my next post....

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Elizabeth McClung said...

Okay, what's your favorite romantic movie?

And on that note, have you ever used the phrase: "That's inconcievable!"

At 10:32 AM, Blogger Sober @ Sundown said...

What is my favorite romantic movie? Oh my, I have seen more romantic movies than I can remember...... One of my favorite swashbuckler romance would be 'Princess Bride', 'Zorro' would come in second. 'Saving Face' was very sweet, as was 'Shakespeare in Love', and an old romance that I vaguely remember is 'Bridges of Madison County'. Those are the ones that immediately come to mind, but I am sure I missing some of the best.

I would never have thought of putting those two words together, and would consider it a profane combination! However, on further analysis of that combination, wouldn't the act of stating such an utterance make it conceivable at that point? It may not be possible, or even probable, but by stating, "That's inconceivable." you are forming the notion that a notion can't be formed. Is this a trick question?

Thanks for asking, Beth.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Elizabeth McClung said...

Haha! Obviously not obsessed ENOUGH with princess bride - the little evil guy is always saying, "That's inconcievable!" - when they tell him they are being followed, or that the black ship is catching up with them or that the man in black is climbing up the cliffs of insanity. "What? That's inconcievable!" - eventually his underling, the swordsman asks, "Are you sure that word means what you think it means?"

I guess it says something about me that what I remember best of the whole film are linguistical jokes.

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm stranger from blogland. I wanted to ask how the house is coming?

I have read through your posts and watched happily on the progress you have made. I find it very symbolic to watch your house change at the same time as your inside dialog.



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