Tonight is Halloween. I love this holiday! In my distorted mind it seems normal to see people dressed up in fictional characters. I went to Dykea today to buy a small, cheap couch, and the employees were all dressed in costume. All I did was smile as the witches, warlocks, and pirates walked around the store. Wouldn't it be a cooler planet if there were a variety of beings that lived here?
Over the last week I have suffered through some disappoints. Nothing life threatening, or event changing; I just didn't get what I wanted. After a number of these disappointments, I had to look at myself, and figure out why I was unhappy. It was apparent that I had very high expectations of how certain people in my life should behave, and when they didn't follow my script I was disappointed. My outlook improved when I let go of these expectations, and just let people live their own lives.
Happy Halloween everyone.